Indonesia Electricity Show 2015

IES 2015

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Exposure Program of 35,000 MW in Indonesia Electricity Show 2015
Director of Electrification Program Munir Ahmad opening Indonesia Electricity Exhibition Show (IES) in 2015 at the Sports Stadium, Jakarta (19/3). Munir delivered the speech of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) who was unable to attend the event. In his speech, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Program highlights of 35,000 MW which is the effort to achieve energy sovereignty. In order for the program is successful, the Minister stated it takes the cooperation of all the elements from the Central Government, Local Government, PT PLN (Persero) and the exclusion of ego sectoral stakeholders.
Ministers continue if the current government has issued various regulations and policies as a step to accelerate the development of infrastructure related to power 35,000 MW program, among other regulations regarding the appointment and the direct election by PT PLN (Persero) and the establishment of the National Team of 35,000 MW Power Plant Development. Ministers expect 35,000 MW program can increase the electrification ratio so that at the end of 2019, the electrification ratio can reach 97.35%. Until the end of 2014, Indonesia’s electrification ratio amounted to 84.30%
Before the opening of the exhibition IES 2015, there was a brief presentation delivery by Munir Ahmad representing the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Director of Agricultural Machinery and Machine Tools Teddy C Sian from the Ministry of Industry and Agribusiness Industry Director of Planning and Natural Resources Hanung Harimba Rahman Modam of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM).
Munir exposure topic is about 35,000 MW program that is currently of concern to the public. He explained that if two to three years ago, the increased supply of electricity is only 2,000-3,000 MW annually. Meanwhile, for the next five years, economic growth is projected in the range of 6% -6.5% per year.
“We expect the growth of electricity is 1.5 times of economic growth, or about 8% -9% per year. To cover the electricity needs in the future, every year we should be able to provide 7,000 MW of electric power, “said Munir.
According to Munir, which prompted the government launched a program of 35,000 MW in the next five years, beyond the on-going projects with a capacity of 7,900 MW. Munir explained that the total growth of electricity up to five years amounted to 42,900 MW.
Munir said that if the private sector is very large role in this program, especially in relation to funding. Of 35,000 MW, PLN can afford to fund 10,000 MW while the rest will be built by the private sector. Regarding the implementation of 10,000 MW by PLN, Munir deliver if PLN has started doing some planning and construction.
Munir aware if there are many problems faced to 35,000 MW program, such as land issues, licensing, industry readiness, and others. But he remains optimistic that this program can be implemented properly. Especially with the various initiatives such as One Stop Services (OSS) in the BKPM is expected to make the licensing process becomes faster and easier. According to Munir, 35,000 MW program is not just the job of government, but also all levels of Indonesian society. Therefore Munir appreciate IES Exhibition 2015 because can synergize stakeholders associated with the electricity sector to sit together.
IES 2015 exhibition organized by the Directorate General of Electricity Cooperative LEB collaboration with D’Prada. Exhibitors came from government agencies, state enterprises, private companies. The theme is the Accelerated Power Development for the National Electrical Resistance. The exhibition runs from March 19 to March 21, 2015 and will be filled with a variety of seminars related to electricity.

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