Operation & Maintenance

Core Business of PT. PJB Services is Power Plant Operation and Maintenance services with high quality and reliable electrical energy generation. There are 7 units of Power Plant that managed byPT. PJB Services with total capacity of 3.072 MW.PT. PJB Services also has maintenance function in those Power Plant.

In partnership with our customer, we have established operations, maintenance and services agreement that truly create value and quantifiable positive result.

  1. Man power supply
  2. Asset Management
  3. Supervision of pre-COD (Commercial Operation Date)
  4. Procurement of Spare part and Components for Supporting Power Plant Operations
  5. Implementation of Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Information Management System
  6. Protection and Harmonization of Power Plant Operation and Maintenance Business Processes
  7. PT. PJB Services provides you tools and expertise to increase the availability and reability of your power plant.


  1. Operation and Maintenance of Hydro Power Plant Asahan 2 x 90 MW North Sumatera
  2. Operation and Maintenance of Gas Turbine Power Plant Kramasan 2 x 50 MW South Sumatera
  3. Operation and Maintenance of Steam Coal Fired Power Plant Rembang 2 x 316 MW Central Jawa
  4. Operation and Maintenance of Steam Coal Fired Power Plant Indramayu 3 x 330 MW West Jawa
  5. Operation and Maintenance of Steam Coal Fired Power Plant Pacitan 2 x 315 MW East Jawa
  6. Operation and Maintenance of Steam Coal Fired Power Plant Paiton Baru 1 x 660 MW East Jawa
  7. Operation and Maintenance of Steam Coal Fired Power Plant Tanjung Jati B Unit 3 and 4 (2 x 660 MW) Central Jawa
  8. Operation and Maintenance of Steam Coal Fired Power Plant Galang Batang 2 x 22 MW Tanjung Pinang
  9. Operation and Maintenance of Steam Coal Fired Power Plant Cilacap 2 x 300 MW Central Jawa
  10. Operation and Maintenance Commissioning Supervision of Steam Coal Fired Power Plant Amurang 2 x 25 MW North Sulawesi
  11. Operation of Combined Cycle Power Plant Sceco West Saudi Arabia
Core Business of PT. PJB Services is Power Plant Operation and Maintenance services with high quality and reliable electrical energy
Perubahan PJBS menjadi PLN Nusantara Power Services