PLTU Bangka

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PT PJB Services Unit PLTU 3 BABEL as a Steam Power Plant company located in Air Anyir, Merawang District, Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands. The operational process with a power capacity of 2 x 30 MW is carried out by ensuring that the process has a minimal impact on the surrounding ecosystem. Commitment to protecting the environment is carried out to support the company’s goal of becoming a company that produces sustainable energy and complies with laws and regulations regarding environmental sustainability. This commitment is stated in the PT PJB Services Unit PLTU 3 BABEL Environmental Management Policy Decree concerning Biodiversity Protection.

Efforts to follow up on this commitment by conserving biodiversity in internal and external areas of the unit. Some of the conservation programs implemented include reforestation of the entire PLTU area. The company is also actively involved in efforts to conserve biodiversity outside the unit area by establishing partnerships with flora and fauna conservation organizations. PLTU Bangka is collaborating with NGOs to conserve wildlife in the Tahura Bukit Mangkol area.


Perubahan PJBS menjadi PLN Nusantara Power Services