Conflict of Interest

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Is a situation or condition in which Company personnel are faced with different interests, namely when they get the power and authority to have or are suspected of having a personal / group interest in every use of their authority so that it can affect the quality and performance it should have.
In an effort to prevent conflicts of interest within the Company, the Board of Directors of PT PJB Services and the Board of Commissioners of PT PJB Services have issued Joint Decree numbers 141.K / 010 / DIR-PJBS / 2020 and 004.K / DEKOM-PJBS / 2020 concerning Management of Conflict of Interest in PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Services, which is the legal basis for monitoring conflicts of interest
How is Reported?
PJB Services personnel who experience a conflict of interest are required to report themselves by making a statement letter that contains a description of the actual incident / chronology of the conflict of interest situation. This statement will be followed up by the Human Supervisors concerned and then monitored and analyzed by the Division responsible for managing Conflict of Interest reporting, namely the Compliance Division.
How to Prevent Conflicts of Interest?

PJB Services personnel must prevent Conflict of Interest by means of:
• Report Beneficiary Documents in accordance with applicable regulations;
• Avoiding concurrent positions;
• Refuse and avoid giving gifts / Gratuities related to position;
• Avoiding doing other work outside of your current job that could interfere with your current job;
• Limiting or avoiding ownership of assets in other companies related to the performance of duties;
• Avoiding and limiting oneself to interact directly with related parties that are prohibited by applicable rules and regulations or that can be perceived as a Conflict of Interest by the public;
• Limiting and reducing personal interests that can affect the performance of duties;
• Encourage improvements to the Conflict of Interest management system in the Company to close the loopholes of violations of Conflict of Interest rules / policies and facilitate their management if they occur; and
• Company personnel who have retired, resigned, or been dismissed may not be involved in management / management authorized in making decisions on competing companies, business partners, or prospective business partners within 6 (six) months from the issuance of the retirement, resignation decision. self, or the dismissal.
DOWNLOAD Our Company Decree Rules Regarding Conflicts of Interest : SK Tahun 2020 Tentang Benturan Kepentingan

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