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On Friday (08/05/2016), Held in Sidoarjo PJBS Head Office, has organized events that bring Motivation Seminar I Ketut Mardjana speaker, he is a former Director of PT POS Indonesia. In this seminar, he raised the theme of “Transformational Leadership” is about the importance of a change for individuals and organizations that MM, triggered by internal factors and external factors.
There are three main aspects of the Managing Change, namely
1. Transformational Leadership, is the willingness and ability leader for adaptive to change.
2. Entrepreneurship Spirit, is the willingness to be creative, innovative and do something more.
3. Business Owner Mentality, is the spirit of co-owns the company.
The event closed with a souvenir gift from PJBS by Mr. Hari Suharso and reciprocated by giving a motivational book by Mr. I Ketut Mardjana. Hopefully this seminar is able to provide insight and knowledge to all employees PJBS.
Salam SIAP Reaching The Sky.