Download file: Pengumuman
Lampiran Pengumuman
PIC: Ade Yanuwar (085640375709 […]
Download file: Pengumuman
Lampiran Pengumuman
PIC: Ade Yanuwar (085640375709 […]
Download File: 1187.Peng
The Seed Bank program is the result of cooperation between PLTU Suge Belitung and DLH Belitung Regency. The activity of seeding local plants such as Santos (Xanthostemon chrysanthus), Dungun (Heritiera littorali), Bulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri) and Guava Forest (Syzygium pycnanthum) was carried out in the Greenhouse of the Belitung Regency Biodiversity Park. The seeds from the sowing were then partly planted in the Peramun Hill Area which is the habitat of Tarsius Belitung and other flora and fauna.
Apart from aiming to preserve the natural habitat for biological species in the area […]
Tarsius Belitung (Cephalopachus bancanus saltator) is an endemic fauna on Belitung Island which is also included in the IUCN Redlist with the Vulnerable (VU) category. PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Services Unit PLTU Suge Belitung seeks to support conservation programs through the program “Modification of Observation Methods for Endemic Animals of Tarsius Belitung (Cephalopachus Bancanus Saltator) using Night Vision Cameras”. This program was realized as a result of the Company’s collaboration with the Belitung Regency Environmental Service and the Arsel Community, which is a community in Air Selumar Village.
This program includes the provision of […]