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The abundant natural resource potential of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province has led to the emergence of illegal mining and the conversion of forest areas by clearing land for oil palm plantations and illegal mining which destroys and reduces wildlife habitat. This activity has an impact on decreasing wild animal populations in their natural habitat.
The efforts of PT PJB Services PLTU 3 BABEL to be concerned with the issue of protecting biodiversity on Bangka Island are realized by collaborating with BKSDA (Natural Resources Conservation Center) and collaborating with the conservation institution, ALOBI, namely releasing wild animals in the Bukit Mangkol Grand Forest Park (Tahura). One of the activities in this program is providing habituation cages to help wild animals restore their wild instincts and be able to adapt when released. Camera traps are also provided which function as supporting facilities to monitor the development of wild animals in the habituation drum.
In 2023, ALOBI will release approximately 65 species of wild animals in Tahura Bukit Mangkol. Several species of wild animals that have been successfully released into the wild include slow lorises, pangolins, tarsier, labi-labi, and mengkubung.
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