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Hello PJBS friends! The Innovation Work Award Selection is a selection event for PLN employees and its subsidiaries which is expected to motivate employees to continue working and to feel more involved, responsible and have a sense of ownership in running the company’s business and developing their potential. In 2020, PLN again held the 2020 Learning, Innovation, Knowledge, and Exhibition (LIKE) event which was held for three days from 20-22 October 2020 where the activities carried out included selection of innovation works, knowledge sharing and exhibition of innovation works.
Good news for all employees and management of PT PJB Services wherever you are. Another brilliant achievement from PJB Services employees in the national level innovation work competition (LKI) in 2020. Today, Thursday, October 22, 2020 it was announced in the Virtual Closing Ceremony LIKE PLN 2020 that the PJB Services team won 1st Place at the National Level for the Generation Category with innovation participants:
1. Ahmad Susila (Tidore PLTU Unit)
2. Asis Teguh Pramonon Putro (UBJ O&M PLTU Rembang)
3. Hari Purwanto (UBJ O&M PLTU Rembang)
The innovation title: “Reducing Puff & Plugging Risk on Pulverizers with Hot Modifications and Mix Air Dampers” managed to occupy the best position for the Generation Category in the final round of the national level innovation competition which was held on Tuesday, October 20, 2020 online.
At the regional level, PT PJB Services won 2nd Place for the Business Process Management category, the innovation title “Rembang Operation and Performance Online Analysis as Controllable Operator Guidelines” with innovation participants:
1. Akhmad Erieck Al Habsyi (UBJ O&M PLTU Rembang)
2. Alam Eka Putra (UBJ O&M PLTU Rembang)
3. Fajar Arian Abadi (UBJ O&M PLTU Rembang)
And 3rd place for the Generation category, the innovation title “Modification of Grate Clip Set Dimensions to Prevent Chain Grate Damage That Causes Unit Shutdown” with innovation participants:
1. Munirul Ichwan (Tidore PLTU Unit)
2. Muhammad Zainurridho (Tidore PLTU Unit)
3. Apriyanto Teguh Pribadi (Tidore PLTU Unit)
Congratulations, you guys are heroes for PJB Services. Hopefully in the days to come, there will be more reliable innovators of PT PJB Services who produce useful works, for the Company and the Electricity World in Indonesia.
Safe! You are great!