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Aka SIAP Friday In English Special Task is an Friday’s event that was held by PJBS to enhance Employee competencies and establish activities of planning, organizing, execution & controlling to become daily habit to achieve Company’s target. Participants are required to present their report to President Director of PJBS.
By becoming SIAP FIESTA participant, The company wants to drive the participants to perform planning & execution to be better. Moreover, it will also improve the ability to deliver (present) their working progress & result.
First particiapant of SIAP FIESTA, April 17th, 2020 was attended by Mrs. Meilisa Endrasmara, Asisstant Manager of O&M 1 Commerce, titled “Revenue Escalation On Operational & Maintenance Of Power Plant Project”. Second participant was attended by Mrs. Ratih Sagita, Asisstant Analyst of Corporate Planning, titled “Monitoring of Strategic Program Execution through Digital Platforms to Achieve the Organization Goals