Workshop Membangun Hubungan Industrial yang Harmonis Dalam Mendukung Kinerja Perusahaan

Workshop Membangun Hubungan Industrial yang Harmonis Dalam Mendukung Kinerja Perusahaan

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On Thursday (29/08/2019) in Batu, Malang was held a Workshop with theme ‘Building Harmonious Industrial Relations in Supporting Company Performance’ which was attended by all levels of management of the PJB Services Central Workers Union and Units as well as the Management of Human Capital Directorate of PJB Services.

As the spekaer in this workshop were Mr. Sugang Santoso PN, SH, MM, MH, one of the Ad Hoc Judges of the Industrial Relations Court at the Supreme Court. At the opening of the Workshop, Director of Human Capital PJB Services, Mr. Dedi Budi Utomo said that this Workshop aimed to build a shared understanding between Management and Trade Unions in building industrial relations and synergizing in supporting the achievement of company performance.

Chairperson of the PJB Services Trade Union DPP, Mr. Yogo Wijayanto also added that Management and Workers Union Synergy is needed in facing the challenges of managing the company’s business going forward. With long experience in handling industrial relations issues, the resource person delivered the material in a collapsed manner and made the atmosphere of discussion more interesting, one of which was the importance of building trust and effective communication as the basis for creating harmonious industrial relations.

This workshop is one of the programs of the Directorate of Human Capital in a series of preparations for the discussion of the Joint Work Agreement for PJB Services.

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