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On Friday (03/24/2019) at the Head Office PT PJB Services was held an Execution Management Workshop for Excellence Performance Team (X-Man 4 Expert) which was a description of the concept of 4 Execution Disciplines.
As speakers in this workshop, Djubaidillah Hasan, Manager of Business & Commerce Learning at PLN Corporate University. In his remarks at the opening of the Workshop, Human Capital Director of PT PJB Services, Dedi Budi Utomo said that discipline in execution is one of the keys to the success of the Company in achieving its goals.
Often a strategy that has been made well becomes meaningless when the Leader fails to execute the strategy. Discipline and consistency in executing strategies became the framework of the Workshop. Capability improvement to carry out execution is a strategic step for PT PJB Services in facing increasingly severe and challenging performance targets.
This workshop was attended by all PJB Services Senior Leaders including the Generating Unit Manager who will coordinate the Implementation of the X-Man 4 Expert concept at PT PJB Services.