HOUSED in the Centre Of Excellence PT PJB Services, Jl. Raya Juanda No. 17, Sidoarjo, on Friday, May 22, 2015 has been implemented Go Live Implementation of Energy Management Web-Based Applications – Navitas for the management of operation and maintenance services unit of PT PJB Services. For the first phase, the implementation of Navitas done in three units of O & M services, namely:
1. 3 Bangka Belitung power plant (2 x 30 MW),
2. East Gili power plant (20 MW),
3. Asahan hydropower I (2 x 90 MW).
Go Live Navitas for Unit 3 was attended by […]
Go Live Implementation of Web-Based Energy Management Application Navitas
PJBS Innovation Award 2015
TOTAL of 21 teams from around unitPJBS follow this annual event, they all are participants who have been through the selection of the individual unit. This selection purposes in order to work and ideas they generate really useful and can be accounted for, because all the ideas and innovations they produce must be implemented and audited by a credible team. This event lasts for two days and will determine the winner to compete again in a more prestigious event KNIFE PLN 2015 at the central level […]
Refreshment of Top Management UBJOM Luar Jawa
BY support the acceleration of the performance of the company, and as part of the preparation PJBS in government programs in order to meet the power generation of 35,000 MW, At last Monday (5/25/2015) at headquarters PJBS Sidoarjo, has done Handover Position unit manager. Some positions are occupied by new names of task work CHD. Two names that occupy a new position in the PJBS is Suyanto, as Acting Unit Manager OM Services Bolok plant and Budi Priyanto believed by management as Acting Manager Services Unit OM Bangka plant.
Rachmatsyah which originally served as […]
Operation & Maintenance Signing Agreement PLTU Banjarsari 2 x 110 MW
Today it has implemented Operation & Maintenance Agreement Signing for 2×110 MW power plant Banjarsari between PJBS with PT BPI (Bukit Generating Innovative) in Ambhara, Jakarta. Present on this occasion Director PJBS Hari Suharso and all Directors and Commissioners PJBS and also Director of PT BPI Dadan Ruswandana along with the Board of Directors.
PJBS Operation & Maintenance As the company has been entrusted to manage Steam Power (power plant) owned by PT BPI in Banjarsari with a capacity of 2×110 MW. The duration of the agreement for 30 years, a management agreement longest in the history of electric power plants […]