PLTA Asahan 1 has been managed and operated by PJB Services since 2014, utilizing Lake Toba water which is flowed through a 6.5 km long tunnel. Asahan 1 PLTA annually generates a minimum of 1,175 GWh/year of electrical energy and 8.53% of the contributors to electricity in Northern Sumatra.
By implementing Generation Governance and Enterprise Asset Management, based on Maximo’s Computerized Maintenance Management System, and supported by competent human resources, PLTA Asahan 1 shows performance excellence, electrical energy production always exceeds the target set by the Asset Owner, which is between 100.96% to […]
Operation and Maintenance of Asahan Hydroelectric Power Plant
Sacrifice a sign of love
Friends of PJBS, as a form of corporate social responsibility and in order to welcome Eid al-Adha 1441 H, the management of PJB Services handed over donations of sacrificial animals to the surrounding community.
The handover of sacrificial animals is carried out from the PJB Services Head Office, represented by the Corporate Secretary, to units in all regions in Indonesia, hopefully this Sacrificial Day is able to increase our sense of concern for others, especially during a pandemic like this […]
Innovation in digital power generation management continues to be developed by PJB Services in responding to the challenges and dynamics of the power plant business, besides being required to always be safe and reliable in the midst of a pandemic condition which directly affects financial efficiency in all aspects.
This then inspired an innovation called the Implementation of Model 3 Generation Management and was based on Maximo’s Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS), which was the result of collaboration with the PJBS Center of Excellence through strengthening COMANDO (Condition Monitoring and Data Operation) with the latest product, Online. Monitoring Supervisory […]
PJB Services launches LMS SIAP Setting
The Digitalization Era requires the Company to always be adaptive to the latest technological updates in executing operational activities to deal with the growing threat of disruption, especially with the geographical conditions of the PJBS units located in remote areas and spread throughout Indonesia.
In response to this, PJBS developed digital-based learning to develop employee competencies – which can be accessed anytime and anywhere – called the SIAP SETTING Learning Management System (LMS), which is an Interactive Learning Management System that adopts the 10% stage method through e-learning, the 20% stage is through the design of learning implementation in the […]